A naïve monarch gets sick with a rare illness, determined to find a cure, they seek out a strange sorcerer in the woods. However, they seem to find more trouble than they could initially bargain for...
Age: Unknown
Height: 135 cm
Birthday: February 22nd
A young man with a strange obsession with creating human puppets... Not much is known about him. Burdened with a sadistic and violent nature, he was excommunicated from society and into the forest. There, he stays in his home in the woods, hoping some innocent person would come by...
Age: 26
Height: 179 cm
Birthday: ???
The protagonist....
Age: ???
Height: ???
Birthday: ???
The Canvas
Age: ???
Height: ???
Birthday: ???
The Reflection
Age: ???
Height: ???
Birthday: ???
Are they a wind-up puppet? Or are they a frog? Either or, the little one seems to get upset by both of those names. Moshe is the mascot throughout this entire series Moshe can't speak the language that we do, but that's okay! But something about that creature seems familiar...
Age: Unknown
Height: 20 cm
Birthday: Unknown